ESC-JCS Joint Symposium(ESC Congress)

Impact of optical coherence tomography and computed tomographic angiography  on the management of acute coronary syndrome

座長:Fernando Alfonso Manterola (Madrid, ES)
    赤阪 隆史先生 (和歌山県立医科大学 循環器内科)

1. Lesson from histopathology to imaging in vulnerable plaque.
  Eloisa Arbustini (Pavia, IT)

2. Detecting intact fibrous caps or ruptured fibrous caps by OCT and CTA.
  尾崎 行男先生 (藤田保健衛生大学 循環器内科)

3. OCT-based management of AMI with intact fibrous cap and ruptured fibrous caps.
  Francesco Prati (Rome, IT)

4. OCT-based management of stent thrombosis following DES.
  Maria D Radu (Copenhagen, DK)

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座長の赤阪先生とFernando先生(写真左) ご講演中の尾崎先生(写真右)

Coronary spasm revisited: a message from Europe (West) and Japan (East)

座長:Paolo Camici (Milano, IT)
    室原 豊明先生 (名古屋大学 循環器内科)

1. Incidence of vasospastic angina: German perspective.
  Peter Emanuel Ong (Stuttgart, DE)

2. Significance of coronary spasm after PCI: Japanese perspective
  小川 久雄 先生 (熊本大学 循環器内科学)

3. Relationship of microcirculation injury to coronary spasm: Italian perspective
  Filippo Crea (Roma, IT)

4. Role of coronary spasm in ischaemic heart disease: Japanese perspectives
  下川 宏明 先生 (東北大学 循環器内科学)

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座長の室原先生とPaolo先生(写真左) ご講演中の小川先生(写真中央)、下川先生(写真右)

Current computed tomography angiography for the mechanism of acute coronary syndrome and the guidance of PCI

座長:K Nieman (Rotterdam, NL)
    室原 豊明 (名古屋大学 循環器内科)

1. CT-PET fusion imaging for CAD.
  M Dweck (Edinburgh,GB)

2. Coronary subtraction for the improvement of diagnostic ability of CAD.
  K F Kofoed (Copenhagen,DK)

3. CT angiography for the mechanism and prediction of ACS.
  尾崎 行男(藤田保健衛生大学 循環器内科)

4. FFR-CT and CT-SYNTAX scoring to select candidates for PCI.
  B L Norgaard (Odder,DK)

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ESC2014の様子 入口付近の様子(写真左) 出典した日循ブース(写真右)

How to deal with diuretic resistance in heart failure?

座長:S D Anker (Berlin, DE)
    下川 宏明(東北大学 循環器内科学)

1.Definition and mechanisms.
  J L Lopez-Sendon (Madrid,ES)

2.How to use the classical drug therapy?
  増山 理(兵庫医科大学 内科学循環器内科)

3.New pharmacological targets.
  土肥 薫(三重大学 第一内科)

4.Renal replacement therapies.
  S Price (London,GB)

Assessment of coronary plaque rupture and erosion by invasive and non-invasive means

座長: E Arbustini (Pavia, IT)
    室原 豊明(名古屋大学 循環器内科)

1.Pathology of the vulnerable plaque.
  R Virmani (Gaithersburg,US)

2.Overview of non-invasive imaging modalities.
  P J De Feyter (Rotterdam,NL)

3.Added value of invasive coronary imaging for plaque rupture and erosion.
  尾崎 行男(藤田保健衛生大学 循環器内科)

4.Clinical relevance of invasive imaging.
  赤阪 隆史(和歌山県立医科大学 循環器内科)

Imaging unusual causes of cardiomyopathy

座長:M Bohm (Homburg/Saar, DE)
    下川 宏明(東北大学 循環器内科学)

  増山 理(兵庫医科大学 内科学循環器内科)

  S E Petersen (London,GB)

3.Fabry's disease.
  J L Zamorano Gomez (Madrid,ES)

4.Restrictive cardiomyopathy.
  田邊 一明 (島根大学 内科学第四)

ESC2010 (ストックホルム、スウェーデン)
Vasoconstriction in ischaemic heart disease

座長:M E Bertrand (Lambersart, FR) 
    鄭 忠和(鹿児島大学 循環器・呼吸器・代謝内科)

1.Reappraisal of coronary spasm.
  A Maseri (Florence,IT)

2.Coronary dysfunction in Takotsubo.
  土橋 和文 (札幌医科大学 管理学)

3.Geographical variations in coronary vasoconstriction.
  J Beltrame (Adelaide,AU)

4.New therapeutic options.
  下川 宏明(東北大学 循環器内科学)