Japanese Circulation Society
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the 69th Scientific Session
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Recent Advances in Genomics for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Proteomics in Health and Disease
Joseph Loscalzo
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts

Epigenetic Gene Regulation and Cardiomyopathy
Seiji Takashima
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan


Cardiovascular Proteomics in Health and Disease

Joseph Loscalzo

Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts

The genome provides the floor plan of the organism, but a variety of events that occur following the expression of the proteome that is defined by that genome that cannot always be predicted by the genome itself. Therefore, the genome implies phenotype, but the proteome is phenotype.

Oxidant stress is an important determinant of the proteomic phenotype in the cardiovascular (CV) system, particularly in disease. It can be defined as the excess production of reactive oxygen species that outstrips antioxidant defenses. Oxidant stress is implicated in a variety of processes in which a wide range of antioxidant molecules, including DNA, lipids, and proteins undergo a variety of oxidative modifications. These are involved in the pathogenesis of many CV diseases and are caused by risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). The control of vascular oxidant stress involves the balance of antioxidants and reactive oxygen species (ROS).

A host of low molecular weight (LMW) antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, and antioxidant enzymes, such as the SODs, catalase, glutathione peroxidases and paraoxonases, are bound to LDL, glucose 6 phosphatede hydrogenase, and glutathione reductase, which offset the flux of ROS, which are largely derived from partially reduced molecular oxygen, and metabolize those species to less chemically active forms.

Thiol proteome

Oxidant stress impacts a variety of functional groups in the proteome, but the most important of these is the thiol proteome. The thiol groups serve as redox buffers (oxidant stress targets in the course of the redox buffering capacity), redox signaling intermediates, and as oxidant stress markers in their higher oxidized forms.

The sequence of redox reactions that govern oxidation protein thiols begins with a monothiol protein (PrSH) that undergoes oxidation to the thiolate anion, and then to sulfenic, sulfinic acids and sulfonic acids. The first two steps are reversible oxidation steps and the last two are stable end-oxidation products, at least under physiologic conditions. In addition, protein monothiols can engage in thiol-disulfide exchange reactions with LMW thiols (glutathione is the most important), which serves as an antioxidant thiol buffer. They can undergo modification through reaction with reactive nitrogen species, such as peroxynitrite, to form S-nitroso proteins, and they can undergo protein-protein disulfide exchange reactions to form mixed disulfides between proteins.

Vicinal dithiols are another important subgroup of the protein thiols, which are chemically reactive with each other, mainly due to their steric adjacency within the tertiary structure of the protein. Vicinal dithiols are important because these are the most sensitive indicators of oxidant stress within a protein. These are the first species to undergo oxidation, usually to vicinal disulfides, but occasionally to mixed disulfides.

If each species could be identified, it would be possible to define a hierarchy of oxidation that begins with vicinal disulfide oxidation and following through to the sulfonic acid modified forms of the monothiols.

Glucose 6 phosphatedehydrogenase

G6PD is an important enzyme for governing oxidant stress within the erythrocyte. We and others have begun to think about the role of G6PD in other nucleated cells, especially the endothelial cell in the CV system, because it is the most important determinant of NAD(P)H stores in the cytosol. NAD(P)H is key because it serves as the reducing equivalent necessary for reducing glutathione disulfite to GSH, and is an important co-factor for nitric oxide production via eNOS. It is also an important co-factor for the reduction of dihydrobiopterin to tetrahydrobiopterin or the synthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin from either of the de novo or salvage pathways. Glutathione is an essential reducing mediate necessary for normal vascular function.

Glutathione is also important because it is derived from NAD(P)H and it is the essential co-factor for glutathione peroxidases to reduce lipid peroxides and hydrogen peroxide into corresponding alcohols.

Work by Leopold, Loscalzo, and colleagues showed that in endothelial cells
DCF fluorescence is increased when G6PD expression is suppressed with antisense or SRNA and is decreased when it is overexpressed with an adenoviral vector, compared to controls. Along with these changes are anti-parallel changes in NAD(P)H; suppressing G6PD reduces NAD(P)H and overexpressing G6PD overexpresses it. Similar changes are seen for the NAD(P)H and NADP+ ratios.

These changes lead to a significant reduction in glutathione upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide when G6PD is in the control setting and endothelial cells are transfected with the empty virus. In contrast, antisense causes greater suppression of GSH when the cells are exposed to peroxide. The use of the adenoviral vector restores or maintains the GSH levels. If the cells are infected with the adenoviral vector following suppression of antisense, the extent of reduction of GSH with peroxide can be limited.

Response of thiol proteome to oxidant stress

This system was used to examine the consequences of oxidant stress on the thiol proteome.

Vicinal dithiols

Vicinal dithiols are important regulators of oxidant stress, and comprise about 5% of the total thiol protein pool, and serve as the first line of defense against oxidant stress, largely as a result of the reaction of the vicinal dithiols compared to the monothiols.

As a result of oxidant stress, caused by increasing concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in a control endothelial cell pool and in a G6PD-deficient cell pool, a limited number of vicinal diothiol proteins were detectable. There was an increase at 100 micromolar of hydrogen peroxide, but this was much less at 500 micromolar, because the vicinal disulfides can not be pulled out of the lysathe from cells with the phenylarsine oxide. This pattern “shifts to the left” with a G6PD deficiency; at 100 micromolar there is a similar pattern, and a reduction in the detectable vicinal dithiol bands at higher concentrations.


Glutathiolation is another example of the response of the thiol proteome to oxidant stress. Under debate is whether or not there are elements in the primary sequence of the tertiary structure of the protein to facilitate glutathiolation. It also serves as another defense against oxidant stress by facilitating repletion of the free glutathione pool from the protein thiol pool using protein thiol-reducing equivalents as a source of reducing power for more GSH. Deglutathiolation requires the glutathione reduction system and, thus, adequate NADPH stores. Glutathiolation can also be seen as protecting protein thiols from irreversible oxidation.

2-D nonreducing/gel methodology

These are used to identify mixed disulfides that can form in the presence of increasing oxidant stress. In control cells and G6PD-deficient cells, at 8 mM hydrogen peroxide, the bands are diagonal, which reflects increasing mixed disulfides, with an even greater increase in the G6PD-deficient cells.

Protein S-nitrosation

Protein S-nitrosation is another sensitive index of response to oxidant stress. Whether or not the post-translational modification is stochastic or specific remains unclear. Protein S-nitrosation serves as another defense against oxidant stress by repleting the GSH pool from the protein thiol pool by a similar biochemical mechanism. Denitrosation occurs principally via thiol-S-nitrosothiol exchange, and S-nitrosation protects protein thiols from irreversible oxidation, and protects and preserves NO bioactivity.

The assay used by Loscalzo and colleagues to detect S-nitrosoproteins was derived from work by Jaffrey and Snyder. The assay first involves the blockade of thiol groups with NTMS, and then the gentle reduction of S-nitrosothiols with a low concentration of ascorbate, and the resulting sulfhydrol group is then labeled with NTMS biotin, and then the biotin-labeled protein is pulled out and subjected to the 2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.

About 20 proteins have been identified, of which 5 are important proteins, including vimentin, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2, peroxireloxin 1, GAPDH, and beta-actin.
Most of the S-nitrosation appears to occur in the mitochondria or in the peri-mitochondrial domain.

In their working hypothesis, there are 2 concomitant cycles within protein thiol pools that focus on the thiolate anion, which can then undergo irreversible oxidation and then ultimately reversible mixed disulfide formation. Alternatively, it can undergo S-nitrosation, a process that can be seen as reversible. With increasing oxidant stress, sulfinic and sulfonic acids result, which are irreversible end products of thiol oxidation.

Another way to look at this process is to consider the thiol proteome as a sensitive index of increasing oxidant stress, ranging from low levels being important for oxidant signaling, intermediate levels stimulating a compensated oxidant stress response, and higher levels stimulating an uncompensated stress response. There are parallel consequences to these changes with regard to cell phenotype. Those range from early manifestations of glutathione oxidation and NADPH oxidation, F2 isoprostane formation, and up to the unfolded protein response, 3-Nitrotyrosine formation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis at the highest levels of oxidant stress. This type of approach allows for defining markers and intermediates that are essential for these phenotypic changes that reflect the modulation of endothelial function that appears to be important CV disease stimulated by oxidant stress responses.


Hyperhomocysteinemia is another important source of oxidant stress in relation to atherothrombosis. This was first proposed as an important determinant of atherogenesis by McCully in 1969. Now evidence from more than 20 studies suggests that even mild-to-moderate elevations of plasma homocysteine confer a significant risk for atherothrombosis. Hyperhomocysteinemia was found in 20-40% of patients with vascular disease, but in only 2% of unaffected persons.

Homocysteine has an important LMW thiol that sits between the re-methylation pathway and the trans-sulfuration pathway as a key intermediate in thiol metabolism. The rate limiting step for trans-sulfuration is defined by cystathionine-beta-Synthase. Re-methylation, which is the most important mechanism for eliminating homocysteine in vascular cells, is governed by folate and B12 levels, and the adequacy of M-THF reductase, methionine synthase, and betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase.

Using a CBS-deficient mouse model, Loscalzo and colleagues studied the consequences of hyperhomocysteinemia on endothelial function and other markers of oxidant stress. In this model, the heterozygous mice have a little less than one-half the normal CBS activity in the liver, about 2-times the homocysteine levels in plasma, and no detectable activity in the null animals have.

This group showed that endothelial function was abnormal in the animals that were heterozygous-deficient in CBS, and no abnormality in the response to NO donor. Along with these changes was a significant increase in superoxide generation by the aortae of these animals. Staining was consistent with the oxidant stress, and, importantly, these changes occurred in the absence of any morphological abnormalities in the vasculature.

They observed that this increase in oxidant stress was largely a consequence of suppressing the expression of glutathione peroxidase type 1. This is a selena-cysteine containing protein, and its important function is the enzymatic reduction of hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxide to their alcohols, using glutathione in the process. The reason a deficiency of this enzyme may lead to endothelial function is that these peroxides and their peroxal derivatives can inactivate NO.

Upchurch and Welch showed that homocysteine dose-dependently reduced GPx activity in endothelial cells in culture. In at least cultured endothelial cells this is associated with a significant reduction in the expression of GPx message. This effect is largely a consequence of transcription suppression.

GPx1 suppression, both transcriptional and translational, is a key determinant of the oxidant stress of hyperhomocysteinemia, and thus it should be possible to restore endothelial function by overexpressing Gpx1. Work by Weiss showed the consequences of overexpression in endothelial cells exposed to hyperhomocystenemia. The bradykinin-dependent release of NO is not completely restored, but is reversed. In addition, cyclic GMP levels are improved. Signaling by bradykinin-dependent release is also improved when the cells were transfected with GPx1 CDNA.

When Loscalzo and colleagues crossed the CBS-deficient animals, it was possible to completely reverse the in vivo endothelial dysfunction that was observed in the CBS-deficient background. Thus, it was possible to restore this abnormal response completely to normal. These data argue that one of the most important determinants of oxidant stress and endothelial dysfunction in hyperhomocysteinemia is GPx1 deficiency,

More recently they have studied the proteome of these CBS-deficient mice and a wild-type animal given either a methynine-rich chow or normal chow, and then plasma, liver, aorta, and heart were isolated, to assess thiol oxidation, mixed disulfide formation, and methylation states within those proteomes. They also studied more conventional proteomic analyses in overall protein expression in those proteomes. Their analysis involved a simple methanol extraction of the protein from these tissues, separation by 2-D Gel EP or LCLC analyses in sequence, and also sequencing and identification by conventional MS methods.


Epigenetic Gene Regulation and Cardiomyopathy

Seiji Takashima

Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Osaka, Japan

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an important heritable disease characterized by a genetic pathology, and it sometimes causes sudden cardiac death in young athletes. ARVC is viewed etiologically as different from dilated cardiomyopathy. This lecture reviewed the clinical importance of the genetic analysis of ARVC and the unique etiology of mice ARVC.

Several genetic pedigrees of ARVC have been reported. Gerull and colleagues in Europe reported in Nature Genetics (October 2004) that plakophilin-2 (PKP-2) is a responsible gene for ARVC. They identified critical mutations in ARVC patients, including familial and non-familial. Notably, 32 of 120 ARVC patients had critical PKP-2 mutations. In one family with ARVC pedigree, 2 persons were diagnosed with ARVC and were identified with PKP-2 mutations. However, another family member was healthy, despite having a PKP-2 mutation and being more than 40 years old. This suggests that the PKP-2 mutation has an incomplete penetrance for the onset of ARVC. This may be the cause of the late discovery of ARVC-responsible gene. Also, incomplete penetrance means that another factor is necessary for the onset of ARVC. Myocarditis, too much exercise, or gender may affect the onset of ARVC.

PKP-2 is a component of the desmosome structure, along with plakoglobin and desmoplakin, which is also known to cause familial ARVC. Therefore, ARVC is now believed to be a desmosome disease.

ARVC is also found in animals, including cats, dogs, and minks, which have been reported to have similar right ventricular dominant myopathy. Thiene and colleagues showed in a boxer dog that the pathophysiology of ARVC is quite similar to that in humans.

ARVC in Mice Model

Takashima and colleagues have shown ARVC in a mouse model, in which the right ventricle begins to degrade from the outside to the inside wall at 6 to 8 weeks after birth (Figure 1). This degradation never extends to the left ventricle. Degraded myocytes were characterized by macrophages and repressed fibrosis (Figure 2).

Figure 1. The myocardium of an ARVC mouse model.
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Figure 2. Histology of mouse ARVC.
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The mouse ARVC has an etiology that is similar to that in humans, because right ventricular degradation in humans expands in a triangular shape, starting from around the tircapsid valve. Thus, in most cases, the origin of the arrhythmia in ARVC is close to the tircapsid valve. In the mouse model, the same propagation pattern is seen as in human ARVC. These pathological data suggest that the same etiology may be involved in mouse ARVC.

Mouse ARVC is also hereditary. Takashima and colleagues positionally cloned the responsible gene. Interestingly, the retroposon insertion in chromosome 7 was found in the ARVC mouse, which was mutated to LBP/p40rvd, originally located at chromosome 9 and called LBP/p40t. They compared the expression of LBP/p40rvd and LBP/p40t and showed that LBP/p40rvd caused ARVC. LBP/p40rvd has 21 base-pair mutations in the open reading frame.

In the ARVC mouse, LBP/p40rvd in vivo tissue expression around the heart was confirmed by NHe1, which is the mutant form. No phenotype change was seen in the liver or skeletal muscle, and no expression difference between the right and left ventricles. So, the right ventricle may have specific fragility for degradation induced by LBP/p40rvd.

The function of LBP/p40 in the nucleus is unknown. Rat cardiomyocyte transfected with LBP/p40t and mutated LBP/p40rvd showed that the LBP/p40t localized on the DAPI, but on the other hand, the LBP/p40rvd localization shifted from the heterochormatin region to euchromatin region, which may cause the impairment of myocyte function.

Transfection of LBP/p40rvd to the rat cardiomyocyte caused less variability of cardiomyocytes, meaning that it caused impairment of cardiomyocytes even in vitro. To determine the biochemical role of LBP/p40rvd they cloned the binding protein using rat cardiomyocytes transfected LBP/p40t co-migrated with lower molecule protein, but LBP/p40rd could not bind this protein. This binding protein was purified by reverse phase column and the binding protein was identified by MSMS. Specific binding protein was believed to be heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). This binding was confirmed by co-expression.

Figure 3. The interaction between LBP/p40RVD and HP1.
Click to enlarge

Figure 4. Working hypothesis of mouse ARVC etiology.
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Heterochromatin protein 1 is a nuclear protein which binds to the methylated lysine 9 residue of histon and is an important component of gene silencing heterochromatin (Figure 3). HP1 is localized on the heterochromatin region. To confirm HP1 binding to LBP/p40rvd is important for cardiomyocyte survival, they made mutations of LBP/p40rvd in which one of the mutated amino acids was replaced by an amino acid of LBP/p40t. They showed that binding to HP1 is necessary for cytotoxic effect of transfected of LBP/p40rvd.

Their hypothesis of mouse ARVC etiology is illustrated in Figure 4. In this mouse model, LBP/p40rvd expressed in ARVC mouse heart interacts with HP1 and impairs gene regulation of the HP1, causing alteration of gene expression. These alterations might occur in the setting of the fragility of right ventricular dysplasia.

A gene chip analysis using mouse cardiomyocytes transfected with LBP/p40t. LBP/p40rvd, compared to LBP/p40t, significantly alters specific gene expression. This was confirmed by quantitative gene PCR.

This group is now analyzing how these genes cause the degradation of cardiomyocytes. These genes may be related to desmosome function. Mouse ARVC phenotype has incomplete penetrance, similar to human ARVC. In transgenic LBP/p40 mice, the phenotype depends on the mouse genotype and also mechanical intervention, which always caused severe ventricular degradation, but this was not seen in wild-type. Thus, even in the ARVC mice, a second factor may be required to express this characteristic phenotype.


A second factor is necessary to show the specific right ventricular dominant degradation in ARVC, in both human ARVC characterized by a plakophillin2 mutation and in mouse ARVC with a LBP/p40RVD mutation. Elucidation of this second factor is clinically important to prevent the onset of myocyte degradation in persons with a genetic background for ARVC. Even for sporadic ARVC cases, mutation screening of the desmosome protein is essential, and when positive, the entire family should be screened to prevent the onset of ARVC. The mouse ARVC model used in the studies by Takashima and colleagues could be a useful tool to elucidate this second factor and the etiology of ARVC, which involves epigenetic gene regulation.



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